Grand Farm


Lighthouse Farms
Grand Farm

Organic Farming & Vermiculture

GRAND FARM in Absdorf, Austria, is an organic farm applying low-tillage methods to maintain and improve the soil. On-farm research projects support the development of agroforestry, the livestock sector and a the market garden. GRAND FARM is a frontrunner in advancing vermiculture and vermicomposting – composting with the help of earthworms.

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About the farm

GRAND FARM isa 90 hectare arable field research and demonstration farm focusing on soil-health, agroforestry and market gardening. In the long crop rotation, lucerne, winter wheat, maize, hemp, soybeans, rye-vetch mixes and more are produced. Every year, GRAND FARM provides infrastructure for five to ten different research projects which are conducted together with universities and research institutes. In 2015, a cooperation with Rodale Institute (USA) was established, to carry out trial sand research in organic no-till methods. In 2019 Alfred established GRAND GARTEN, where a team of young university graduates is producing all year round organic vegetables for the regional market and doing research and demonstration activities.

VERMIGRAND Naturprodukte GmbH is producing thermophilic compost, organic fertilizer, soil amendments, compost extracts and peat-free soil substrates with the help of epigeic earthworms. For this purpose,in 2007 the first European commercial continuous flow vermicomposting facility was established, where several million earthworms produce vermicompost. At VERMIGRAND, aside from the commercial activites,regular research and demonstration projects are conducted as well.

Who are we?

Alfred Grand

Alfred Grand is an organic arable field farmer, market gardener and entrepreneur from Austria. Member of three soil-related EIP-Agri focus and operational groups, and several Horizon2020 projects. Alfred is co-author of the book "Biodünger selber machen“ (Make your own fertilizer). In 2019 he was selected as a member of the Mission Board for Soil Health and Food for developing a mission for Horizon Europe.

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